
a encrypted is given. It’s made by, using LFSR.

$ unzip -l 
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
    93674  1980-00-00 00:00   flag.png
---------                     -------
    93674                     1 file


  1. guess the header/footer of flag.png
  2. bruteforce

LFSR is literally linear in this case and two IVs are known, but the polynomials are not known. $8$ instances of $20$-bit FLSR are used simultaneously, and first $20$-bit are the same to the IV, you need know first $40$ byte of the png to crack. This requires a little too much guessing. However, $20$-bit, for the polynomials, is too small. You can bruteforce this and filter candidates with IHDR/IEND chunks with these CRC. This gives the flag after about $1$ hour on my poor laptop.


#!/usr/bin/env python2
from __future__ import print_function

import binascii
import hashlib
import struct
import subprocess
import sys

from better_zip import BitStream, LFSR, LFSRCipher  # you need to remove the main() part to import

crc32 = lambda x: binascii.crc32(x) % 0x100000000
u16 = lambda x: struct.unpack('<H', x)[0]
u32 = lambda x: struct.unpack('<I', x)[0]
p8_big  = lambda x: struct.pack('>B', x)
p32_big = lambda x: struct.pack('>I', x)

print('[*] open')
with open('', 'rb') as fh:
    flag_zip =

# parse
assert flag_zip[0 :][: 4] == 'PK\3\4'
crc = u32(flag_zip[14 :][: 4])
compressed_size = u32(flag_zip[18 :][: 4])
uncompressed_size = u32(flag_zip[22 :][: 4])
file_name_length = u16(flag_zip[26 :][: 2])
assert flag_zip[30 :][: file_name_length] == 'flag.png'
compressed = flag_zip[38 :][: compressed_size]

# parse compressed data
poly_sz = 20
digest_size = hashlib.sha256().digest_size
assert compressed_size == 2 * poly_sz + uncompressed_size + digest_size
crypto_headers = compressed[: 2 * poly_sz]
encrypted_data = compressed[2 * poly_sz :][: uncompressed_size]
encrypted_hash = compressed[2 * poly_sz + uncompressed_size :]
key_iv = crypto_headers[: poly_sz]
cipher_iv = crypto_headers[poly_sz :]
print('[*] key iv =', repr(key_iv))
print('[*] cipher iv =', repr(cipher_iv))
print('[*] crypt(data) =', repr(encrypted_data)[: 200] + '...')
print('[*] crypt(sha256(data)) =', repr(encrypted_hash))

# guess IHDR chunk
ihdr_chunk = ''.join([
    p32_big(640),  # width: we can know this only from cipher_iv, without key
    p32_big(0xffff),  # hegith: guessed, 480?
    p8_big(0xff),  # bit depth: guessed
    p8_big(0xff),  # color type: guessed, 2? 6?
    p8_big(0),  # compression method: guessed
    p8_big(0),  # filter method: guessed
    p8_big(0),  # interlace method: guessed
ihdr_chunk += '\xff' * 4  # p32_big(crc32(ihdr_chunk[4 :]))

# dispatch to C++
print('[*] exec ./a.out')
cipher_iv_stream = BitStream(cipher_iv)
stdin = ''
stdin += ' '.join([ 'ihdr_chunk' ] + [ str(ord(c)) for c in ihdr_chunk ]) + '\n'
for _ in range(8):
    stdin += 'iv ' + str(cipher_iv_stream.get_bits(poly_sz)) + '\n'
stdin += ' '.join([ 'encrypted_data', str(uncompressed_size) ] + [ str(ord(c)) for c in encrypted_data ]) + '\n'
stdin += 'eof\n'
proc = subprocess.Popen([ './a.out' ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=sys.stderr)
_, _ = proc.communicate(stdin)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define REP(i, n) for (int i = 0; (i) < int(n); ++ (i))
#define REP_R(i, n) for (int i = int(n) - 1; (i) >= 0; -- (i))
#define ALL(x) begin(x), end(x)
using namespace std;

uint32_t crc_table[256];
void make_crc_table() {
    REP (i, 256) {
        uint32_t c = i;
        REP (j, 8) {
            c = (c & 1) ? (0xedb88320 ^ (c >> 1)) : (c >> 1);
        crc_table[i] = c;
const uint32_t initial_crc32 = 0xffffffff;
uint32_t next_crc32(uint32_t c, char b) {
    return crc_table[(c ^ b) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
const uint32_t mask_crc32 = 0xffffffff;
string crc32(string const & s) {
    uint32_t acc = initial_crc32;
    for (char c : s) acc = next_crc32(acc, c);
    acc ^= mask_crc32;
    string t;
    REP_R (i, 4) t += (char)((acc >> (i * 8)) & 0xff);  // big endian
    return t;

constexpr int poly_sz = 20;
const array<uint8_t, 8> png_file_signature = {{
    0x89, 'P', 'N', 'G',
    '\r', '\n', '\x1a', '\n',
const array<uint8_t, 12> iend_chunk = {{
    0, 0, 0, 0,
    'I', 'E', 'N', 'D',
    0xae, 0x42, 0x60, 0x82,

bool get_bit(uint32_t poly, uint32_t & r) {
    bool bit = r & (1 << (poly_sz - 1));
    bool new_bit = (__builtin_popcount(r & poly) & 1) ^ 1;
    constexpr uint32_t mask = (1 << poly_sz) - 1;
    r = ((r << 1) | new_bit) & mask;
    return bit;

uint8_t get_byte(array<uint32_t, 8> const & poly, array<uint32_t, 8> & r) {
    uint8_t acc = 0;
    REP (bit, 8) {
        acc |= get_bit(poly[bit], r[bit]) << bit;
    return acc;

int main() {
    // input
    array<uint8_t, 25> ihdr_chunk;
    scanf("ihdr_chunk ");
    REP (i, 25) {
        int c; scanf("%d ", &c);
        ihdr_chunk[i] = c;
    array<uint32_t, 8> iv;
    REP (bit, 8) {
        scanf("iv %u\n", &iv[bit]);
    int size; scanf("encrypted_data %d\n", &size);
    vector<uint8_t> encrypted(size);
    REP (pos, size) {
        int c; scanf("%d ", &c);
        encrypted[pos] = c;

    // solve
    array<vector<uint32_t>, 8> candidates;
#pragma omp parallel for
    REP (poly, 1 << poly_sz) {
        array<uint32_t, 8> r = iv;
        array<bool, 8> is_mismatched = {};
        REP (pos, png_file_signature.size()) REP (bit, 8) {
            get_bit(poly, r[bit]);
        REP (pos, ihdr_chunk.size()) REP (bit, 8) {
            bool expacted = (ihdr_chunk[pos] ^ encrypted[png_file_signature.size() + pos]) & (1 << bit);
            if (get_bit(poly, r[bit]) != expacted and ihdr_chunk[pos] != 0xff) {
                is_mismatched[bit] = true;
        if (not count(ALL(is_mismatched), false)) {
        REP (pos, size - png_file_signature.size() - ihdr_chunk.size() - iend_chunk.size()) REP (bit, 8) {
            get_bit(poly, r[bit]);
        REP (pos, iend_chunk.size()) REP (bit, 8) {
            bool expacted = (iend_chunk[pos] ^ encrypted[size - iend_chunk.size() + pos]) & (1 << bit);
            if (get_bit(poly, r[bit]) != expacted) {
                is_mismatched[bit] = true;
        REP (bit, 8) {
            if (not is_mismatched[bit]) {
#pragma omp critical

    // output
    int64_t prod = 1;
    REP (bit, 8) {
        prod *= candidates[bit].size();
        cerr << "candidate " << bit << ": " << candidates[bit].size() << endl;
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (int64_t index = 0; index < prod; ++ index) {
        array<uint32_t, 8> poly; {
            int64_t acc = index;
            REP_R (bit, 8) {
                poly[bit] = candidates[bit][acc % candidates[bit].size()];
                acc /= candidates[bit].size();
        array<uint32_t, 8> r = iv;
        string s;
        REP (pos, size) {
            s += (char)(encrypted[pos] ^ get_byte(poly, r));
            if (pos + 1 == png_file_signature.size() + ihdr_chunk.size()) {
                string t = s.substr(png_file_signature.size() + 4, ihdr_chunk.size() - 8);
                string u = s.substr(s.size() - 4);
                if (crc32(t) != u) {
        if (s.find("IDAT") == string::npos) {
        if (not s.empty()) {
#pragma omp critical
            cerr << "found " << index << ":";
            REP (bit, 8) cerr << " " << poly[bit];
            cerr << endl;
            string fname = ("flag." + to_string(index) + ".png");
            FILE *fp = fopen(fname.c_str(), "wb");
            REP (pos, size) {
                fprintf(fp, "%c", s[pos]);
    return 0;

  • 修正: 2018年 6月 27日 水曜日 10:54:52 JST
    • PNGのmagicが \x89PNG\r\n\r\n になってた部分を修正。 実装に影響はない。 \x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n が正解
    • よく気付いたなあと関心してしまった。発見者は eshiho です。感謝