Tokyo Westerns/MMA CTF 2nd 2016: Lights Out!
Lights out for $768 \times 768$ cells. DP + linear algebra. $O(HW \cdot \min \{ H, W \})$.
At first, think the $O(HW \cdot 2^{\min \{ H, W \}})$ solution with DP. If you are fix whether do flip or not, for each cell of the top $2$ rows, then whether sholud flip or not for other cells are uniquely determined. There are $2^{2W}$ ways to flip top $2$ rows, and flipping other cells takes $O(HW)$. The total is $O(HW \cdot 2^{\min \{ H, W \}})$.
We want to construct the way to flip the top $2$ rows, for above DP. If you flip at one cell, it affects the bottom $2$ rows. Thinking the function about this, it is $f : 2W \to 2^{2W}$ or a matrix $f : 2W \times 2W \to 2$. Also let vector $y : 2W \to 2$ be the DP-ed cells without flipping any cells in top $2$ rows. Then we can get flag with $x : 2W \to 2$ such that $fx \equiv y \pmod 2$. One of this $x$ is obtained using Gaussian elimination, even if $f$ may be singular.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import subprocess
import json
def load_level(level): #=> dict
assert level in [ 'easy', 'normal', 'lunatic' ]
js = 'console.log(JSON.stringify(require("./data.js").data.' + level + '))'
proc =['nodejs', '-e', js], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return json.loads(proc.stdout.decode())
import tempfile
import os
def submit_solution(url, level, clicked):
fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.json', mode='w', delete=False)
json.dump({ 'level': level, 'clicked': clicked }, fh)
fh.close()['curl', '-v', url, '-H', 'Content-Type: application/json', '-d', '@' +])
def encode_field(s, h, w):
return [ [ s[y*w+x] == '1' for x in range(w) ] for y in range(h) ]
def decode_field(f):
return ''.join(map(lambda p: '01'[p], sum(f, [])))
def empty_field(h, w):
return [ [ False for x in range(w) ] for y in range(h) ]
def get_size(f):
h = len(f)
w = len(f[0])
# assert all(map(lambda row: len(row) == w, f))
return h, w
def xor_field(a, b):
assert get_size(a) == get_size(b)
h, w = get_size(a)
return [ [ a[y][x] != b[y][x] for x in range(w) ] for y in range(h) ]
def xor_at(field, y, x): # destructive
field[y][x] = not field[y][x]
def flip_at(field, y, x): # destructive
h, w = get_size(field)
for dy, dx in [ (0,2), (1,1), (2,0), (1,-1), (0,-2), (-1,-1), (-2,0), (-1,1) ]:
ny = y + dy
nx = x + dx
if 0 <= ny < h and 0 <= nx < w:
xor_at(field, ny, nx)
def use_dp(field): #=> flip, destructive
h, w = get_size(field)
flip = empty_field(h, w)
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
if y >= 2 and field[y-2][x]:
flip_at(field, y, x)
xor_at(flip, y, x)
for y in range(h-2):
assert not any(field[y])
return flip
import copy
def prepare_level(field):
field = copy.deepcopy(field)
h, w = get_size(field)
print('dp...', file=sys.stderr)
flip = use_dp(field)
field = field[ -2 : ]
init = empty_field(2, w)
for y in range(2):
for x in range(w):
print('dp...', y, x, file=sys.stderr)
a = empty_field(h, w)
flip_at(a, y, x)
b = use_dp(a)
xor_at(b, y, x)
init[y][x] = ( a[ -2 : ], b )
return (field, flip), init
import numpy as np
import gmpy2
def xoreqn_solve(a_f, a_y):
f = np.copy(a_f)
y = np.copy(a_y)
assert isinstance(f, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(y, np.ndarray)
n = a_f.shape[0]
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1,n):
if f[j,i]:
f[i], f[j] = np.copy(f[j]), np.copy(f[i])
y[i], y[j] = np.copy(y[j]), np.copy(y[i])
for j in range(n):
if j != i and f[j,i]:
f[j] = (f[j] + f[i]) % 2
y[j] = (y[j] + y[i]) % 2
assert np.array_equal( % 2, a_y)
return y
import numpy as np
def linalg_level(a, bs):
h, w = get_size(a[1])
vxs = []
for parity in range(2):
print('construct equation...', parity, file=sys.stderr)
vy = np.zeros(w, dtype=int)
for y in range(2):
for x in range(w):
if (y + x) % 2 == parity:
vy[(y*w+x)//2] = a[0][y][x]
mf = np.zeros((w, w), dtype=int)
for y in range(2):
for x in range(w):
if (y + x) % 2 == parity:
for by in range(2):
for bx in range(w):
if bs[by][bx][0][y][x]:
assert (h + by + bx) % 2 == (y + x) % 2
mf[(y*w+x)//2, (by*w+bx)//2] = 1
print('solve equation...', parity, file=sys.stderr)
vx = xoreqn_solve(mf, vy)
assert np.array_equal( % 2, vy)
vxs += [ vx ]
var = [ [ vxs[(h+y+x)%2][(y*w+x)//2] for x in range(w) ] for y in range(2) ]
return var
def reconstruct_level(a, bs, var):
print('reconstruct...', file=sys.stderr)
_, w = get_size(a[0])
result = a[1]
for y in range(2):
for x in range(w):
if var[y][x]:
result = xor_field(result, bs[y][x][1])
return result
import copy
def solve_level(field):
h, w = get_size(field)
a, bs = prepare_level(field)
var = linalg_level(a, bs)
result = reconstruct_level(a, bs, var)
return result
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('level', choices=[ 'easy', 'normal', 'lunatic' ])
parser.add_argument('check', nargs='?', default='')
args = parser.parse_args()
level = load_level(args.level)
f = encode_field(level['map'], level['height'], level['width'])
g = solve_level(f)
s = decode_field(g)
submit_solution(args.check, args.level, s)