sqliteのmaze.dbから迷路を読み込んで解く。$50 \times 50$なので余裕だが、flagは$695$文字と大きくて驚く。

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# read maze.db
import sqlite3
## sqlite> .schema
## CREATE TABLE start (id integer);
## CREATE TABLE finish (id integer);
## CREATE TABLE points
##                      (id integer primary key,
##                       x integer, y integer, status varchar(10), value varchar(1));
with sqlite3.connect('maze.db') as conn:
    row, = conn.execute('select id from start')
    start, = row
    row, = conn.execute('select id from finish')
    finish, = row
    points = [ [ None for _ in range(50) ] for _ in range(50) ]
    for id_, x, y, status, value in conn.execute('select id, x, y, status, value from points'):
        assert status in [ 'wall', 'gate' ]
        points[y][x] = { 'status': status, 'value': value }
        if id_ == start:
            start = (y, x)
        elif id_ == finish:
            finish = (y, x)

# debug draw
for y in range(50):
    for x in range(50):
        c = points[y][x]['value']
        if points[y][x]['status'] == 'wall':
            c = '\033[47m' + c + '\033[0m'
        print(c, end='')

# dijkstra
from heapq import heappush, heappop
heap = []
dist = [ [ None for _ in range(50) ] for _ in range(50) ]
y, x = start
value = points[y][x]['value']
heappush(heap, (len(value), y, x, value))
dist[y][x] = points[y][x]['value']
while heap:
    _, y, x, value = heappop(heap)
    for dy, dx in [ (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1) ]:
        ny = y + dy
        nx = x + dx
        if 0 <= ny < 50 and 0 <= nx < 50:
            if points[ny][nx]['status'] == 'gate' and dist[ny][nx] is None:
                nvalue = value + points[ny][nx]['value']
                dist[ny][nx] = nvalue
                heappush(heap, (len(nvalue), ny, nx, nvalue))
y, x = finish

