ebctf 2013 md5colliding
[katagaitai CTF勉強会 #5 - 関西 | med](https://atnd.org/events/77452)で解いた。 |
MD5を5重に衝突させろという問題。 MD5には文字列$\alpha$に対し$\mathrm{MD5}(\alpha \oplus \beta) = \mathrm{MD5}(\alpha \oplus \gamma)$な組$(\beta, \gamma)$を求める方法が存在する。Xiaoyun Wangによって発見された手法で、いくつか実装が公開されているので、これを使う。
MD5は入力をchunkに分け前からreduceの様に処理していく構造なので、padding等がからむとどうなるかは分からないが基本的に、$\mathrm{MD5}(\alpha) = \mathrm{MD5}(\beta) \to \mathrm{MD5}(\alpha \oplus \gamma) = \mathrm{MD5}(\beta \oplus \gamma)$が成り立つようだ。 基本となる文字列$\alpha$に対し、$\mathrm{MD5}(\alpha \oplus \beta_1) = \mathrm{MD5}(\alpha \oplus \beta_2)$な$(\beta_1, \beta_2)$、$\mathrm{MD5}(\alpha \oplus \beta_1 \oplus \gamma_1) = \mathrm{MD5}(\alpha \oplus \beta_1 \oplus \gamma_2)$な$(\gamma_1, \gamma_2)$、といくつか求めていき、$\{ \alpha \oplus \beta_i \oplus \gamma_j \dots \mid i, j, \dots \in 2 \}$とすると、$n$回の衝突の計算で$O(2^n)$個の全て衝突した文字列が得られる。
MS Windows, PE32 executable, console
でやれ、ということだが、面倒だし本質的ではないのでELF 64-bit LSB executable
$ md5sum ?.bin
ada244203f79f974859ab0637f6e7c3c 1.bin
ada244203f79f974859ab0637f6e7c3c 2.bin
ada244203f79f974859ab0637f6e7c3c 3.bin
ada244203f79f974859ab0637f6e7c3c 4.bin
ada244203f79f974859ab0637f6e7c3c 5.bin
$ sha1sum ?.bin
89d3269755f86aa2f785077602589b6a1d24f29f 1.bin
3624954052d77380ed98ae3f71db152e26567a18 2.bin
e31fa7af2fffcc6d43ffe86b954c063b70992728 3.bin
062b6a204bd83a043e324a503d94b0fc8d9771cf 4.bin
e66cfc6cf49c35786192ec074036d3aa5381a678 5.bin
$ for i in {1..5} ; do ./$i.bin ; done
All Eindbazen are wearing wooden shoes
All Eindbazen live in a windmill
All Eindbazen grow their own tulips
All Eindbazen smoke weed all day
All Eindbazen are cheap bastards
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import stat
import tempfile
import functools
import operator
import subprocess
import hashlib
import struct
md5 = lambda s: hashlib.md5(s).hexdigest()
sha1 = lambda s: hashlib.sha1(s).hexdigest()
def fastcoll(s):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dr:
x = os.path.join(dr, 'x')
y = os.path.join(dr, 'y')
z = os.path.join(dr, 'z')
with open(x, 'w') as fh:
subprocess.run(['fastcoll', x, '-o', y, z])
with open(y) as fh:
t = fh.buffer.read()[ len(s) : ]
with open(z) as fh:
u = fh.buffer.read()[ len(s) : ]
return t, u
code = '''\
#include <stdio.h>
const char *msgs[5] = {
"All Eindbazen are wearing wooden shoes",
"All Eindbazen live in a windmill",
"All Eindbazen grow their own tulips",
"All Eindbazen smoke weed all day",
"All Eindbazen are cheap bastards" };
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *fh = fopen(argv[0], "rb");
int acc = 0;
for (int c; (c = fgetc(fh)) != EOF; ) acc ^= c;
puts(msgs[acc % 5]);
return 0;
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dr:
x = os.path.join(dr, 'a.c')
y = os.path.join(dr, 'a.out')
with open(x, 'w') as fh:
print(code, file=fh)
subprocess.run(['gcc', x, '-o', y])
with open(y) as fh:
compiled = fh.buffer.read()
def go(s, i):
if i == 0:
return [ s ]
p, q = fastcoll(s)
xs = go(s+p, i-1)
ys = [ s+q + x[len(s+p):] for x in xs ]
return xs + ys
while True:
result = [ None ] * 5
for binary in go(compiled, 5):
acc = functools.reduce(operator.xor, binary)
print(sha1(binary), md5(binary), acc % 5 + 1)
result[acc % 5] = binary
if all(result):
for i, binary in enumerate(result):
name = '%d.bin' % (i + 1)
with open(name, 'w') as fh:
os.chmod(name, os.stat(name).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)