フローに強くなりたいので解いている。 事前にフローと知らされていればさすがにやるだけな問題。

No.177 制作進行の宮森あおいです!




maximum_flow()Yukicoder No.119のものと同一。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#define repeat(i,n) for (int i = 0; (i) < (n); ++(i))
typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;
ll maximum_flow(int s, int t, vector<vector<ll> > const & g /* capacity, adjacency matrix */) { // edmonds karp, O(E^2V)
    int n = g.size();
    vector<vector<ll> > flow(n, vector<ll>(n));
    auto residue = [&](int i, int j) { return g[i][j] - flow[i][j]; };
    ll result = 0;
    while (true) {
        vector<int> prev(n, -1);
        vector<ll> f(n);
        // find the shortest augmenting path
        queue<int> q; // bfs
        while (not q.empty()) {
            int i = q.front(); q.pop();
            repeat (j,n) if (prev[j] == -1 and j != s and residue(i,j) > 0) {
                prev[j] = i;
                f[j] = residue(i,j);
                if (i != s) f[j] = min(f[j], f[i]);
        if (prev[t] == -1) break; // not found
        // backtrack
        for (int i = t; prev[i] != -1; i = prev[i]) {
            int j = prev[i];
            flow[j][i] += f[t];
            flow[i][j] -= f[t];
        result += f[t];
    return result;
int main() {
    // input
    int w, n; cin >> w >> n;
    vector<int> j(n); repeat (i,n) cin >> j[i];
    int m; cin >> m;
    vector<int> c(m); repeat (i,m) cin >> c[i];
    vector<set<int> > x(m);
    repeat (i,m) {
        int q; cin >> q;
        repeat (j,q) {
            int y; cin >> y;
    // make a capacity graph
    const ll INF = 1000000007;
    vector<vector<ll> > g(n+m+2, vector<ll>(n+m+2));
    int s = n+m, t = n+m+1;
    repeat (i,n) g[s][i] = j[i];
    repeat (j,m) g[n+j][t] = c[j];
    repeat (j,m) repeat (i,n) if (not x[j].count(i)) g[i][n+j] = INF;
    // output
    cout << (maximum_flow(s,t,g) >= w ? "SHIROBAKO" : "BANSAKUTSUKITA") << endl;
    return 0;