TopCoder SRM 688 Easy: ParenthesesDiv1Easy
I wrote a greedy one and got WA.
- $l \le r$を変数に取る。文字列$s$の内、$s_l, s_{l+1} \dots, s_r$の部分の順序を反転し、また
を入れ換える。- つまり、$f(\it{`( ‘}) = \it{`) ‘}, f(\it{`) ‘}) = \it{`( ‘}$として、$s \mapsto ( s_0, s_1, \dots, s_{l-1}, f(s_r), f(s_{r-1}), \dots, f(s_l), s_{r+1}, s_{r+2}, \dots, s_{n-1} )$
The flips at most twice is enough. $O(N)$.
The flip has a property: preserves the balanced-ness of substrings in its range.
For example, if you flip a string ))))((()())()))))
, made of unbalanced ))))
, balanced ((()())())
and unbalanced )))
, then you get ((((()(()()))((((
, made of unbalanced (((
, balanced (()(()()))
and unbalanced ((((
. The balanced-ness of ((()())())
are preserved.
So you can ignore the balanced substrings and think the unbalanced parens.
You can think )())(()()))()(
as )**)******)**(
or simply )))(
Such simplified strings can be classified as one of the three: all closing )))...)))
, all opening (((...(((
or both )))...)(((...(
Now, all you have to do is to flip them, and this is enough at most twice.
I thank roiti for his python code.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define repeat(i,n) for (int i = 0; (i) < (n); ++(i))
using namespace std;
class ParenthesesDiv1Easy { public: vector<int> correct(string s); };
vector<int> ParenthesesDiv1Easy::correct(string s) {
int n = s.size();
if (n % 2 == 1) return { -1 };
vector<int> t;
repeat (i,n) {
if (not t.empty() and s[t.back()] == '(' and s[i] == ')') {
} else {
if (t.empty()) return {}; // s is balanced
char fst = s[t.front()];
char lst = s[t.back()];
int sz = t.size();
if (fst == ')' and lst == '(') { // t = ")))...)))(((...((("
int l = count_if(t.begin(), t.end(), [&](int i) { return s[i] == '('; });
int r = sz - l;
int d = abs(r - l);
if (l < r) {
return { t[0], t[r-1-d/2], t[sz-l], t[sz-1] };
} else if (l > r) {
return { t[0], t[r-1], t[sz-l+d/2], t[sz-1] };
} else {
return { t[0], t[sz/2-1], t[sz/2], t[sz-1] };
} else if (fst == ')' and lst == ')') { // t = ")))...)))"
return { t[0], t[sz/2-1] };
} else if (fst == '(' and lst == '(') { // t = "(((...((("
return { t[sz/2], t[sz-1] };