
動的構築segment木を貼るだけ。$O(N + Q \log N)$。


#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <deque>
#include <vector>
using ll = long long;
using namespace std;
template <class T> inline void setmax(T & a, T const & b) { a = max(a, b); }

template <class Monoid>
struct dynamic_segment_tree { // on monoid
    typedef Monoid monoid_type;
    typedef typename Monoid::type underlying_type;
    struct node_t {
        int left, right; // indices on pool
        underlying_type value;
    deque<node_t> pool;
    int root; // index
    int width; // of the tree
    int size; // the number of leaves
    Monoid mon;
    dynamic_segment_tree(Monoid const & a_mon = Monoid()) : mon(a_mon) {
        node_t node = { -1, -1, mon.unit() };
        root = 0;
        width = 1;
        size = 1;
    int create_node(int parent, bool is_right) {
        // make a new node
        int i = pool.size();
        node_t node = { -1, -1, mon.unit() };
        // link from the parent
        assert (parent != -1);
        int & ptr = is_right ? pool[parent].right : pool[parent].left;
        assert (ptr == -1);
        ptr = i;
        return i;
    int get_value(int i) {
        return i == -1 ? mon.unit() : pool[i].value;
    void point_set(int i, underlying_type z) {
        assert (0 <= i);
        while (width <= i) {
            node_t node = { root, -1, pool[root].value };
            root = pool.size();
            width *= 2;
        point_set(root, -1, false, 0, width, i, z);
    void point_set(int i, int parent, bool is_right, int il, int ir, int j, underlying_type z) {
        if (il == j and ir == j+1) { // 0-based
            if (i == -1) {
                i = create_node(parent, is_right);
                size += 1;
            pool[i].value = z;
        } else if (ir <= j or j+1 <= il) {
            // nop
        } else {
            if (i == -1) i = create_node(parent, is_right);
            point_set(pool[i].left,  i, false, il, (il+ir)/2, j, z);
            point_set(pool[i].right, i, true,  (il+ir)/2, ir, j, z);
            pool[i].value = mon.append(get_value(pool[i].left), get_value(pool[i].right));
    underlying_type range_concat(int l, int r) {
        assert (0 <= l and l <= r);
        if (width <= l) return mon.unit();
        return range_concat(root, 0, width, l, min(width, r));
    underlying_type range_concat(int i, int il, int ir, int l, int r) {
        if (i == -1) return mon.unit();
        if (l <= il and ir <= r) { // 0-based
            return pool[i].value;
        } else if (ir <= l or r <= il) {
            return mon.unit();
        } else {
            return mon.append(
                    range_concat(pool[i].left,  il, (il+ir)/2, l, r),
                    range_concat(pool[i].right, (il+ir)/2, ir, l, r));

struct plus_t {
    typedef int type;
    int unit() const { return 0; }
    int append(int a, int b) const { return a + b; }

int main() {
    int n, query; scanf("%d%d", &n, &query);
    vector<int> last(n);
    dynamic_segment_tree<plus_t> segtree;
    int limit = 0;
    while (query --) {
        int type; scanf("%d", &type);
        if (type == 1) {
            int a, b; scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); -- b;
            if (last[b] < a) {
                if (last[b]) {
                    segtree.point_set(last[b], segtree.range_concat(last[b], last[b] + 1) - 1);
                last[b] = a;
                segtree.point_set(last[b], segtree.range_concat(last[b], last[b] + 1) + 1);
            setmax(limit, a + 1);
        } else if (type == 2) {
            int c; scanf("%d", &c);
            int result = segtree.range_concat(min(c, limit), limit);
            printf("%d\n", result);
    return 0;