Google Code Jam 2017 Round 2: C. Beaming With Joy
dir_t mirror(char c, dir_t d) {
case RIGHT: return DOWN;
case LEFT: return UP;
case RIGHT: return UP;
case LEFT: return DOWN;
としてlargeを落としました。 Tシャツは増えたとはいえ、これがなかったらRound 3だったのでとても残念。
変数を用意する: 砲台が水平であるかどうかを$v_i$、ある点を光線が通っているかを$w_{y,x}$とする。 点$(y, x)$を光線が通るような砲台の番号と向きを列挙し$x_1, \dots, x_k$として、項$\lnot (\lnot x_1 \land \dots \land \lnot x_k) \to \lnot w_{y,x}$および項$w_{y,x}$を制約式に追加する。 あとはこれを解けばよい。
Togasatを利用した: @ 00d8a82cbf2b91d36c990fb6e101e5d49357d96d
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <cassert>
#include "Solver.hpp"
#define repeat(i,n) for (int i = 0; (i) < int(n); ++(i))
using namespace std;
template <typename X, typename T> auto vectors(X x, T a) { return vector<T>(x, a); }
template <typename X, typename Y, typename Z, typename... Zs> auto vectors(X x, Y y, Z z, Zs... zs) { auto cont = vectors(y, z, zs...); return vector<decltype(cont)>(x, cont); }
enum dir_t { UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT };
const int dy[] = { -1, 1, 0, 0 };
const int dx[] = { 0, 0, 1, -1 };
dir_t mirror(char c, dir_t d) {
if (c == '/') {
switch (d) {
case UP: return RIGHT;
case DOWN: return LEFT;
case RIGHT: return UP;
case LEFT: return DOWN;
} else if (c == '\\') {
switch (d) {
case UP: return LEFT;
case DOWN: return RIGHT;
case RIGHT: return DOWN;
case LEFT: return UP;
assert (false);
vector<string> solve(int h, int w, vector<string> const & s) {
// analyze the field
auto is_on_field = [&](int y, int x) { return 0 <= y and y < h and 0 <= x and x < w; };
vector<pair<int, int> > shooters;
repeat (y,h) {
repeat (x,w) {
if (s[y][x] == '-' or s[y][x] == '|') {
shooters.emplace_back(y, x);
function<bool (int, int, dir_t, vector<pair<int, int> > &)> shoot = [&](int y, int x, dir_t d, vector<pair<int, int> > & acc) {
int ny = y + dy[d];
int nx = x + dx[d];
if (not is_on_field(ny, nx) or s[ny][nx] == '#') { // goal
return true;
} else if (s[ny][nx] == '.') {
acc.emplace_back(ny, nx);
return shoot(ny, nx, d, acc);
} else if (s[ny][nx] == '/' or s[ny][nx] == '\\') {
return shoot(ny, nx, mirror(s[ny][nx], d), acc);
} else if (s[ny][nx] == '-' or s[ny][nx] == '|') {
return false;
} else {
assert (false);
vector<char> shooter_result(shooters.size(), '\0');
auto used = vectors(h, w, bool());
auto vars = vectors(h, w, vector<int>());
repeat (i, shooters.size()) {
int y, x; tie(y, x) = shooters[i];
vector<pair<int, int> > a, b;
bool is_hr = shoot(y, x, RIGHT, a) and shoot(y, x, LEFT, a);
bool is_vr = shoot(y, x, UP, b) and shoot(y, x, DOWN, b);
if (not is_hr and not is_vr) {
return vector<string>(); // IMPOSSIBLE
} else if (not is_hr or not is_vr) {
shooter_result[i] = (is_hr ? '-' : '|');
if (a.empty()) a.swap(b);
for (auto it : a) {
int ay, ax; tie(ay, ax) = it;
used[ay][ax] = true;
} else {
for (auto it : a) {
int ay, ax; tie(ay, ax) = it;
vars[ay][ax].push_back(+ (i+1));
for (auto it : b) {
int by, bx; tie(by, bx) = it;
vars[by][bx].push_back(- (i+1));
// sat
togasat::Solver solver;
auto var_at = [&](int y, int x) { return 1 + shooters.size() + y * h + x; };
vector<pair<int, int> > cnf;
repeat (i, shooters.size()) {
int x = i+1;
vector<int> tautology;
tautology.push_back(+ x);
tautology.push_back(- x);
repeat (y,h) {
repeat (x,w) if (s[y][x] == '.' and not used[y][x]) {
vector<int> clause = vars[y][x];
clause.push_back(- var_at(y, x));
vector<int> assertion;
assertion.push_back(var_at(y, x));
assertion.push_back(var_at(y, x));
togasat::lbool status = solver.solve();
if (status != 0) return vector<string>(); // IMPOSSIBLE
repeat (i, shooters.size()) if (not shooter_result[i]) {
shooter_result[i] = (solver.assigns[i] ? '|' : '-');
// result
vector<string> result = s;
repeat (i, shooters.size()) {
int y, x; tie(y, x) = shooters[i];
result[y][x] = shooter_result[i];
return result;
int main() {
int t; cin >> t;
repeat (x,t) {
int h, w; cin >> h >> w;
vector<string> s(h); repeat (y,h) cin >> s[y];
vector<string> result;
result = solve(h, w, s);
cout << "Case #" << x+1 << ": " << (result.empty() ? "IMPOSSIBLE" : "POSSIBLE") << endl;
if (not result.empty()) {
repeat (y,h) cout << result[y] << endl;
return 0;