Google Code Jam 2017 Round 1A: C. Play the Dragon
Buf/Debufの回数を全探索。task並列化して計算資源で殴る。$O(A_k/D + \sqrt{H_k})$。
命令の使い方はDebuf $\to$ Buf $\to$ Attackの順で、適宜Cureを差し込むのが最適。 倒すのにBuf + Attackが何回必要かはBufの回数を総当たり。ただし上限は$\sqrt{H_k}$回でよい。これはほぼ無視できる。 Debufの上限は$A_k/D$回である。これは無視できない。
無視できないとはいえ$A_k/D \le 10^9$なので、間に合わないこともない。 定数倍高速化をきちんとやれば間に合うだろうし、並列化すれば確実。
real 13m41.437s
user 13m37.268s
sys 0m0.572s
を付けてAWS c4.8xlarge上(36論理コア)で実行:
real 0m35.823s
user 15m46.604s
sys 0m0.352s
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <cmath>
#include <omp.h>
#define repeat(i,n) for (int i = 0; (i) < int(n); ++(i))
using ll = long long;
using namespace std;
template <class T> inline void setmin(T & a, T const & b) { a = min(a, b); }
constexpr ll infll = ll(1e18)+9;
ll solve(ll hd, ll ad, ll hk, ll ak, ll b, ll d) {
ll turns_to_kill = infll; { // if no cure / debuf are required, this value is the result
int buf_count_limit = sqrt(hk) + 100;
repeat (buf, buf_count_limit) {
ll buffed_ad = ad + buf * b; // Buf
setmin(turns_to_kill, buf + (hk + buffed_ad-1) / buffed_ad); // Attack
ll result = infll;
int debuf_count_limit = d == 0 ? 0 : ak / d + 3;
ll turns_to_debuf = 0;
ll hd_after_debuf = hd;
repeat (debuf, debuf_count_limit+1) {
ll debuffed_ak = ak - debuf * d;
if (debuffed_ak <= 0) {
setmin(result, turns_to_debuf + turns_to_kill);
ll initial_turns_to_cure = (hd_after_debuf - 1) / debuffed_ak;
ll turns_to_cure = (hd - 1) / debuffed_ak - 1;
if ((turns_to_kill - 1) <= initial_turns_to_cure) {
setmin(result, turns_to_debuf + turns_to_kill);
} else if (turns_to_cure >= 1) {
ll remaining_turns_to_kill = turns_to_kill - initial_turns_to_cure;
ll cure_count = ((remaining_turns_to_kill - 1) + turns_to_cure - 1) / turns_to_cure;
setmin(result, turns_to_debuf + turns_to_kill + cure_count);
ll next_debuffed_ak = max<ll>(0, debuffed_ak - d);
if (hd_after_debuf <= next_debuffed_ak) {
hd_after_debuf = hd - debuffed_ak; // Cure
turns_to_debuf += 1;
if (hd_after_debuf <= next_debuffed_ak) break;
hd_after_debuf -= next_debuffed_ak; // Debuf
turns_to_debuf += 1;
return result;
int main() {
int t; scanf("%d", &t);
vector<tuple<int, int, int, int, int, int> > query(t);
repeat (x,t) {
int hd, ad, hk, ak, b, d; scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d", &hd, &ad, &hk, &ak, &b, &d);
query[x] = make_tuple(hd, ad, hk, ak, b, d);
vector<ll> result(t);
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
repeat (x,t) {
int hd, ad, hk, ak, b, d; tie(hd, ad, hk, ak, b, d) = query[x];
result[x] = solve(hd, ad, hk, ak, b, d);
fprintf(stderr, "Case #%d: %lld\n", x+1, result[x]);
repeat (x,t) {
printf("Case #%d: ", x+1);
if (result[x] == infll) {
} else {
printf("%lld\n", result[x]);
return 0;