
This documentation is automatically generated by online-judge-tools/verification-helper

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:warning: old/


class convex_hull_trick_with_monotonicity {
    typedef pair<ll, ll> line_t;
    deque<line_t> lines;
    ll inc_x, dec_x;  // only for assertions
    convex_hull_trick_with_monotonicity() {
        inc_x = LLONG_MIN;
        dec_x = LLONG_MAX;
    void add_line_increasing(ll a, ll b) {
        assert (lines.empty() or lines.back().first <= a);  // weakly monotonically increasing
        while (lines.size() >= 2 and not is_required(lines[lines.size() - 2], lines.back(), { a, b })) {
        lines.emplace_back(a, b);
    void add_line_decreasing(ll a, ll b) {
        assert (lines.empty() or a <= lines.front().first);  // weakly monotonically decreasing
        while (lines.size() >= 2 and not is_required({ a, b }, lines.front(), lines[1])) {
        lines.emplace_front(a, b);
    ll get_max_increasing(ll x) {
        assert (inc_x <= x);  // weakly monotonically increasing
        inc_x = x;
        assert (not lines.empty());
        while (lines.size() >= 2 and get_value(0, x) <= get_value(1, x)) {
        return get_value(0, x);
    ll get_max_decreasing(ll x) {
        assert (x <= dec_x);  // weakly monotonically decreasing
        dec_x = x;
        assert (not lines.empty());
        while (lines.size() >= 2 and get_value(-2, x) >= get_value(-1, x)) {
        return get_value(-1, x);
    bool is_required(line_t f1, line_t f2, line_t f3) const {
        return (f3.first - f1.first) * (f1.second - f2.second) < (f2.first - f1.first) * (f1.second - f3.second);
    ll get_value(int i, ll x) const {
        if (i < 0) i += lines.size();
        ll a, b; tie(a, b) = lines[i];
        return a * x + b;

struct inverted_convex_hull_trick_with_monotonicity {
    convex_hull_trick_with_monotonicity data;
    void add_line_increasing(ll a, ll b) { data.add_line_decreasing(- a, - b); }
    void add_line_decreasing(ll a, ll b) { data.add_line_increasing(- a, - b); }
    ll get_max_increasing(ll x) { return - data.get_max_increasing(x); }
    ll get_max_decreasing(ll x) { return - data.get_max_decreasing(x); }

unittest() {
    default_random_engine gen;
    REP (iteration, 10000) {
        bool inc_f = bernoulli_distribution(0.5)(gen);
        bool inc_x = bernoulli_distribution(0.5)(gen);
        vector<pair<int, int> > lines;
        REP (i, 30) {
            int a = uniform_int_distribution<int>(- 30, 30)(gen);
            int b = uniform_int_distribution<int>(- 30, 30)(gen);
            lines.emplace_back(a, b);
        if (inc_f) {
            // nop
        } else {
        convex_hull_trick_with_monotonicity cht;
        int x = uniform_int_distribution<int>(- 100, 100)(gen);
        REP (i, lines.size()) {
            int y = INT_MIN;
            REP (j, i + 1) {
                int a, b; tie(a, b) = lines[j];
                chmax(y, a * x + b);
            int a, b; tie(a, b) = lines[i];
            if (inc_f) {
                cht.add_line_increasing(a, b);
            } else {
                cht.add_line_decreasing(a, b);
            if (inc_x) {
                assert (cht.get_max_increasing(x) == y);
                x += uniform_int_distribution<int>(0, 5)(gen);
            } else {
                assert (cht.get_max_decreasing(x) == y);
                x -= uniform_int_distribution<int>(0, 5)(gen);
#line 1 "old/"
class convex_hull_trick_with_monotonicity {
    typedef pair<ll, ll> line_t;
    deque<line_t> lines;
    ll inc_x, dec_x;  // only for assertions
    convex_hull_trick_with_monotonicity() {
        inc_x = LLONG_MIN;
        dec_x = LLONG_MAX;
    void add_line_increasing(ll a, ll b) {
        assert (lines.empty() or lines.back().first <= a);  // weakly monotonically increasing
        while (lines.size() >= 2 and not is_required(lines[lines.size() - 2], lines.back(), { a, b })) {
        lines.emplace_back(a, b);
    void add_line_decreasing(ll a, ll b) {
        assert (lines.empty() or a <= lines.front().first);  // weakly monotonically decreasing
        while (lines.size() >= 2 and not is_required({ a, b }, lines.front(), lines[1])) {
        lines.emplace_front(a, b);
    ll get_max_increasing(ll x) {
        assert (inc_x <= x);  // weakly monotonically increasing
        inc_x = x;
        assert (not lines.empty());
        while (lines.size() >= 2 and get_value(0, x) <= get_value(1, x)) {
        return get_value(0, x);
    ll get_max_decreasing(ll x) {
        assert (x <= dec_x);  // weakly monotonically decreasing
        dec_x = x;
        assert (not lines.empty());
        while (lines.size() >= 2 and get_value(-2, x) >= get_value(-1, x)) {
        return get_value(-1, x);
    bool is_required(line_t f1, line_t f2, line_t f3) const {
        return (f3.first - f1.first) * (f1.second - f2.second) < (f2.first - f1.first) * (f1.second - f3.second);
    ll get_value(int i, ll x) const {
        if (i < 0) i += lines.size();
        ll a, b; tie(a, b) = lines[i];
        return a * x + b;

struct inverted_convex_hull_trick_with_monotonicity {
    convex_hull_trick_with_monotonicity data;
    void add_line_increasing(ll a, ll b) { data.add_line_decreasing(- a, - b); }
    void add_line_decreasing(ll a, ll b) { data.add_line_increasing(- a, - b); }
    ll get_max_increasing(ll x) { return - data.get_max_increasing(x); }
    ll get_max_decreasing(ll x) { return - data.get_max_decreasing(x); }

unittest() {
    default_random_engine gen;
    REP (iteration, 10000) {
        bool inc_f = bernoulli_distribution(0.5)(gen);
        bool inc_x = bernoulli_distribution(0.5)(gen);
        vector<pair<int, int> > lines;
        REP (i, 30) {
            int a = uniform_int_distribution<int>(- 30, 30)(gen);
            int b = uniform_int_distribution<int>(- 30, 30)(gen);
            lines.emplace_back(a, b);
        if (inc_f) {
            // nop
        } else {
        convex_hull_trick_with_monotonicity cht;
        int x = uniform_int_distribution<int>(- 100, 100)(gen);
        REP (i, lines.size()) {
            int y = INT_MIN;
            REP (j, i + 1) {
                int a, b; tie(a, b) = lines[j];
                chmax(y, a * x + b);
            int a, b; tie(a, b) = lines[i];
            if (inc_f) {
                cht.add_line_increasing(a, b);
            } else {
                cht.add_line_decreasing(a, b);
            if (inc_x) {
                assert (cht.get_max_increasing(x) == y);
                x += uniform_int_distribution<int>(0, 5)(gen);
            } else {
                assert (cht.get_max_decreasing(x) == y);
                x -= uniform_int_distribution<int>(0, 5)(gen);
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