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:heavy_check_mark: data_structure/link_cut_tree.marked_ancestor.test.cpp

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#define PROBLEM ""
#include <iostream>
#include "../data_structure/link_cut_tree.hpp"
#include "../monoids/trivial.hpp"
#include "../utils/macros.hpp"
using namespace std;

int main() {
    while (true) {
        int n, q; cin >> n >> q;
        if (n == 0 and q == 0) break;

        link_cut_tree<trivial_monoid> lct(n);
        REP3 (i, 1, n) {
            int parent; cin >> parent;
            -- parent;
  , parent);

        long long sum = 0;
        vector<bool> marked(n);
        marked[0] = true;
        while (q --) {
            char c; int v; cin >> c >> v;
            -- v;
            if (c == 'M') {
                if (not marked[v]) {
                    marked[v] = true;
            } else if (c == 'Q') {
                sum += lct.get_root(v) + 1;
        cout << sum << endl;
    return 0;
#line 1 "data_structure/link_cut_tree.marked_ancestor.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM ""
#include <iostream>
#line 2 "data_structure/link_cut_tree.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#line 2 "utils/macros.hpp"
#define REP(i, n) for (int i = 0; (i) < (int)(n); ++ (i))
#define REP3(i, m, n) for (int i = (m); (i) < (int)(n); ++ (i))
#define REP_R(i, n) for (int i = (int)(n) - 1; (i) >= 0; -- (i))
#define REP3R(i, m, n) for (int i = (int)(n) - 1; (i) >= (int)(m); -- (i))
#define ALL(x) std::begin(x), std::end(x)
#line 2 "monoids/reversible.hpp"
#include <utility>

template <class Monoid>
struct reversible_monoid {
    typedef typename Monoid::value_type base_type;
    typedef std::pair<base_type, base_type> value_type;
    Monoid base;
    reversible_monoid() = default;
    reversible_monoid(const Monoid & base_) : base(base_) {}
    value_type unit() const { return std::make_pair(base.unit(), base.unit()); }
    value_type mult(const value_type & a, const value_type & b) const { return std::make_pair(base.mult(a.first, b.first), base.mult(b.second, a.second)); }
    static value_type make(const base_type & x) { return std::make_pair(x, x); }
    static value_type reverse(const value_type & a) { return std::make_pair(a.second, a.first); }
    static base_type get(const value_type & a) { return a.first; }
#line 9 "data_structure/link_cut_tree.hpp"

 * @brief Link-Cut tree (monoids without commutativity, vertex set + path get)
 * @docs data_structure/
 * @description manages a dynamic forest of rooted trees
 * @note in each splay tree, nodes are sorted from bottom to top. the rightmost node of the root splay tree of the auxiliary tree is the root of represented tree.
template <class Monoid>
class link_cut_tree {
    typedef typename Monoid::value_type value_type;
    typedef typename reversible_monoid<Monoid>::value_type reversible_type;
    const reversible_monoid<Monoid> mon;
    std::vector<value_type> data;  // data of the original tree
    std::vector<reversible_type> path;  // sum of data of the sub-tree in the belonging splay tree
    std::vector<int> parent, left, right;  // of the auxiliary tree
    std::vector<bool> is_reversed;  // of the auxiliary tree; not applied to left, right, and path yet

     * @description returns whether `a` and `parent[a]` is in the same splay tree
    int get_parent_edge_type(int a) const {
        if (parent[a] != -1 and left[parent[a]] == a) {
            assert (not is_reversed[parent[a]]);
            return -1;  // heavy (left-child)
        } else if (parent[a] != -1 and right[parent[a]] == a) {
            assert (not is_reversed[parent[a]]);
            return +1;  // heavy (right-child)
        } else {
            return 0;  // light

     * @description make `a` the parent of the current parent of `a`
    void rotate(int a) {
        int b = parent[a];
        assert (b != -1);
        assert (not is_reversed[b]);
        assert (not is_reversed[a]);
        switch (get_parent_edge_type(b)) {
            case -1:  // left
                left[parent[b]] = a;
            case 1:  // right
                right[parent[b]] = a;
        switch (get_parent_edge_type(a)) {
            case -1:  // left
                parent[a] = std::exchange(parent[b], a);
                left[b] = std::exchange(right[a], b);
                if (left[b] != -1) parent[left[b]] = b;
            case 1:  // right
                parent[a] = std::exchange(parent[b], a);
                right[b] = std::exchange(left[a], b);
                if (right[b] != -1) parent[right[b]] = b;
            default:  // root
                assert (false);

     * @description make `a` the root of the beloging splay tree
    void splay(int a) {
        while (get_parent_edge_type(a)) {
            // a is not the root of the splay tree
            if (not get_parent_edge_type(parent[a])) {
                // zig step: parent[a] is the root of the splay tree
            } else if (get_parent_edge_type(a) == get_parent_edge_type(parent[a])) {
                // zig-zig step
            } else {
                // zig-zag step

     * @description make `a` the root of the auxiliary tree
     * @note `a` becomes a terminal of the heavy path
    void expose(int a) {
        // make a light path from `a` to the root
        for (int b = a; b != -1; b = parent[b]) {
        // make `a` the terminal of the path
        assert (not is_reversed[a]);
        left[a] = -1;
        // make the path heavy
        for (int b = a; parent[b] != -1; b = parent[b]) {
            left[parent[b]] = b;

    void propagate_reverse_node(int a) {
        if (is_reversed[a]) {
            is_reversed[a] = false;
            path[a] = reversible_monoid<Monoid>::reverse(path[a]);
            if (right[a] != -1) is_reversed[right[a]] = not is_reversed[right[a]];
            if (left[a] != -1) is_reversed[left[a]] = not is_reversed[left[a]];
            std::swap(left[a], right[a]);
    void propagate_reverse_splay(int a) {
        if (parent[a] != -1 and (left[parent[a]] == a or right[parent[a]] == a)) {
        if (right[a] != -1) propagate_reverse_node(right[a]);
        if (left[a] != -1) propagate_reverse_node(left[a]);

     * @note `a` should be the root of the splay tree
    void update_path(int a) {
        path[a] = reversible_monoid<Monoid>::make(data[a]);
        if (right[a] != -1) path[a] = mon.mult(path[a], path[right[a]]);
        if (left[a] != -1) path[a] = mon.mult(path[left[a]], path[a]);

    link_cut_tree(int size, const Monoid & mon_ = Monoid())
            : mon(mon_), data(size, mon.base.unit()), path(size, mon.unit()), parent(size, -1), left(size, -1), right(size, -1), is_reversed(size, false) {

     * @description make a direct edge from `a` to `b`
     * @note `a` must be a root
     * @note `b` must not be a descendant of `a`
    void link(int a, int b) {
        expose(b);  // for the time complexity
        expose(a);  // to make `a` the root
        assert (not is_reversed[a]);
        assert (right[a] == -1);  // `a` must be a root
        parent[a] = b;

     * @description remove the direct edge from `a`
     * @note `a` must not be a root
    void cut(int a) {
        expose(a);  // to make `a` the root
        assert (not is_reversed[a]);
        assert (right[a] != -1);  // `a` must not be a root
        parent[right[a]] = -1;
        right[a] = -1;

     * @note -1 is returned when `a` and `b` are not in the same tree
    int get_lowest_common_ancestor(int a, int b) {
        expose(b);  // for the time complexity
        expose(a);  // to make `a` the root
        assert (not is_reversed[a]);
        int preserved = -1;
        std::swap(left[a], preserved);  // make `a` and `b` belong different splay trees even if `b` is a descendant of `a`
        int result = b;
        int c = b;
        for (; c != a and c != -1; c = parent[c]) {
            assert (parent[c] != -1);
            if (not get_parent_edge_type(c)) {  // when it enters another splay tree
                result = parent[c];
        std::swap(left[a], preserved);
        return c == a ? result : -1;

    bool are_connected(int a, int b) {
        return get_lowest_common_ancestor(a, b) != -1;

    int get_parent(int a) {
        assert (not is_reversed[a]);
        if (right[a] == -1) return parent[a];
        for (int b = right[a]; ; b = left[b]) {
            if (left[b] == -1) {
                splay(b);  // for the time complexity
                return b;

    int get_root(int a) {
        assert (not is_reversed[a]);
        while (right[a] != -1) {
            a = right[a];
        splay(a);  // for the time complexity
        return a;

     * @description make `a` the root of the represented tree
    void evert(int a) {
        expose(a);  // to make `a` the root
        assert (not is_reversed[a]);
        assert (left[a] == -1);  // `a` is the terminal
        is_reversed[a] = true;

    void vertex_set(int a, value_type value) {
        splay(a);  // to make `a` the root of a splay tree
        data[a] = value;

    value_type vertex_get(int a) const {
        return data[a];

    value_type path_get(int a, int b) {
        expose(a);  // for the time complexity
        expose(b);  // to make `b` the root
        assert (not is_reversed[a]);
        auto data_a = reversible_monoid<Monoid>::make(data[a]);
        reversible_type up = (right[a] == -1 ? data_a : mon.mult(data_a, path[right[a]]));
        reversible_type down = (left[a] == -1 ? data_a : mon.mult(path[left[a]], data_a));
        for (int c = a; c != b and c != -1; c = parent[c]) {
            assert (parent[c] != -1);
            assert (not is_reversed[parent[c]]);
            auto data_parent_c = reversible_monoid<Monoid>::make(data[parent[c]]);
            switch (get_parent_edge_type(c)) {
                case -1:  // heavy (left-child)
                    up = mon.mult(up, data_parent_c);
                    if (right[parent[c]] != -1) up = mon.mult(up, path[right[parent[c]]]);
                case 1:  // heavy (right-child)
                    down = mon.mult(data_parent_c, down);
                    if (left[parent[c]] != -1) down = mon.mult(path[left[parent[c]]], down);
                case 0:  // light
                    down = reversible_monoid<Monoid>::reverse(up);
                    up = mon.mult(up, data_parent_c);
                    if (right[parent[c]] != -1) up = mon.mult(up, path[right[parent[c]]]);
                    down = mon.mult(data_parent_c, down);
                    if (left[parent[c]] != -1) down = mon.mult(path[left[parent[c]]], down);
        return reversible_monoid<Monoid>::get(reversible_monoid<Monoid>::reverse(down));

    std::string to_graphviz() const {
        using namespace std;
        ostringstream oss;
        oss << "digraph G {" << endl;
        oss << "    graph [ rankdir = BT, bgcolor = \"#00000000\" ]" << endl;
        oss << "    node [ shape = circle, style = filled, fillcolor = \"#ffffffff\" ]" << endl;
        REP (a, parent.size()) {
            // oss << "    " << a << ";" << endl;
            oss << "    " << a << "[ label = \"" << a << "(" << data[a] << "," << path[a] << (is_reversed[a] ? " +rev" : "") << ")\"];" << endl;
        function <void (int)> go = [&](int a) {
            if (parent[a] != -1 and not get_parent_edge_type(a)) {
                oss << "    " << a << " -> " << parent[a] << " [ style = dashed ]" << endl;
            if (left[a] != -1 or right[a] != -1) {
                string l = (left[a] != -1 ? to_string(left[a]) : "l" + to_string(a));
                string r = (right[a] != -1 ? to_string(right[a]) : "r" + to_string(a));
                oss << "    " << l << " -> " << a << endl;
                oss << "    " << l << " -> " << r << " [ style = invis ]" << endl;
                oss << "    " << r << " -> " << a << endl;
                oss << "    { rank = same; " << l << "; " << r << "; }" << endl;
                if (left[a] == -1) oss << "    " << l << " [ style = invis ]" << endl;
                if (right[a] == -1) oss << "    " << r << " [ style = invis ]" << endl;
            if (left[a] != -1) go(left[a]);
            if (right[a] != -1) go(right[a]);
        REP (a, parent.size()) if (not get_parent_edge_type(a)) {
        oss << "}";
        return oss.str();
#line 2 "monoids/trivial.hpp"

struct trivial_monoid {
    typedef struct {} value_type;
    value_type unit() const { return (value_type) {}; }
    value_type mult(value_type a, value_type b) const { return (value_type) {}; }
#line 6 "data_structure/link_cut_tree.marked_ancestor.test.cpp"
using namespace std;

int main() {
    while (true) {
        int n, q; cin >> n >> q;
        if (n == 0 and q == 0) break;

        link_cut_tree<trivial_monoid> lct(n);
        REP3 (i, 1, n) {
            int parent; cin >> parent;
            -- parent;
  , parent);

        long long sum = 0;
        vector<bool> marked(n);
        marked[0] = true;
        while (q --) {
            char c; int v; cin >> c >> v;
            -- v;
            if (c == 'M') {
                if (not marked[v]) {
                    marked[v] = true;
            } else if (c == 'Q') {
                sum += lct.get_root(v) + 1;
        cout << sum << endl;
    return 0;
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